Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Making Connections with Blogging

Something strange has been going on around here lately. I noticed the other night that blog subscriptions through Feedburner have risen nearly 30% since the beginning of September, and the number of folks following the site has also been increasing in small increments. About a week ago, @timholt2007 posted a video he created that was inspired by one of my previous blog posts. Tonight, I was even greeted by four new comments to various blog posts when I logged in to the Blogger dashboard.

It's hard for me to describe how humbling it is when someone tells me that what I'm doing in my classroom and then sharing via my blog or Twitter feed has value to them. It's quite motivating, actually.

This is what blogging is all about - making connections, finding (and sharing) resources, and developing collegiality that extends far beyond the physical boundaries of geographical location. There is so much value in reading and writing blogs - it's a shame that more teachers don't take advantage.

Below is the video post created by Tim Holt. Watch it, enjoy it, then feel free to take a look around his blog too. And to everyone who wilfully listens to my ideas and tolerates my ramblings - thank you.

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2 Responses:

Alyssa Jackson said...

Hello Mr. Mikulski,

My name is Alyssa Jackson and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. It is neat to see how effective blogger is becoming especially from an educator's point of view. Also in EDM310 we are required to create a Blogger for the class and post assignments and other cool things. Thank you for sharing the video, I would love to share the video with my class on my blogger at jacksonalyssaedm310.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

LOVE THIS POST and the video! Re-blogging you right now. Thanks for your awesome ideas!